ABH + NorthPoint Health and Wellness
Rachel Peterson Rachel Peterson

ABH + NorthPoint Health and Wellness

ABH and NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center are long-standing allies dedicated to advocating for a smoke-free Minnesota. Over the past two years, we’ve collaborated by providing project support on two innovative projects directly benefiting NorthPoint patients and the wider community.

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Reflecting on the 2024 Legislative Season
Rachel Peterson Rachel Peterson

Reflecting on the 2024 Legislative Season

The 2024 Minnesota legislative session has officially come to a close. With every legislative session, there are celebrations and losses, but no matter the outcome, we are always grateful for our network of advocates!

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MetroDoctors Guest Post: Michelle Van Vranken, MD
Amber Kerrigan Amber Kerrigan

MetroDoctors Guest Post: Michelle Van Vranken, MD

Youth focused clinics improve how the medical community cares for young people by expanding the services provided to meet the growing and changing needs of youth across generations. Learn about how youth clinics have changed in the past 50 years.

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ABH President Addresses Class of 2027 at UMN White Coat Ceremony
Amber Kerrigan Amber Kerrigan

ABH President Addresses Class of 2027 at UMN White Coat Ceremony

On August 18, 2023, 176 first year University of Minnesota Medical Students received their White Coat in a ceremony designed to acknowledge this rite of passage into the field of medicine and inspire learners to embrace this journey with humility and privilege. ABH has been honored to be part of this prestigious ceremony for the past nearly 20 years. ABH President Zeke McKinney, MD, MHI, MPH, welcomed the students into the profession of medicine and shared the power our language can have in shaping our perspectives as well as the health of individual patients and our communities.

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MetroDoctors Guest Post: Deborah A. Thorp, MD
Amber Kerrigan Amber Kerrigan

MetroDoctors Guest Post: Deborah A. Thorp, MD

Did you know that, according to Rainbow Health Initiative’s 2021 Voices of Health Survey, 13% of LGBTQIA+ respondents in Minnesota were NOT out to their clinical care team? That 57% have had to teach their clinicians about the care they need? And that 23% didn’t get care in the past year because they feared being disrespected or mistreated?  It’s not that we, as clinicians, want that to be the case. We want our patients to feel welcomed in our clinics. We want our patients to feel that their care is competent and informed. It can be a lot to remember everything we need to know to have everyone feel cared for. I get it. So I’m going to take you through some of what we have done and some of what we wish we could do to make all of our patients feel welcome.

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ABH in the Community: Life Your Healthy Lyfe Event
Amber Kerrigan Amber Kerrigan

ABH in the Community: Life Your Healthy Lyfe Event

On August 12th, ABH had the pleasure of tabling at the second annual Live Your Health Lyfe block party, an event in North Minneapolis designed to elevate the quality of life for residents through mental, physical and spiritual wellness offerings. We always enjoy and are grateful for the opportunity to engage with community members, share resources, and discuss the realities of commercial tobacco.

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MetroDoctors Guest Post: Austen Ott, Medical Student
Amber Kerrigan Amber Kerrigan

MetroDoctors Guest Post: Austen Ott, Medical Student

“Transgender people often face barriers to accessing health care due to a lack of accessible and competent providers,” we were told. The words were framed in such a way that implied an impossibility that “they” could be sitting in the lecture hall alongside us, the medical students. And yet, there I was. And I wasn’t even the only one.

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MetroDoctors Guest Post: The Community Guide
Amber Kerrigan Amber Kerrigan

MetroDoctors Guest Post: The Community Guide

Healthcare providers play a critical role in protecting and improving the health of communities. In addition to participating in programs that screen for, prevent, and manage a range of health conditions, healthcare providers inform and influence healthcare system policies and practices that affect population health. The Community Guide is a valuable resource for evidence-based intervention approaches that healthcare providers can use to improve health in their communities.  

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