Advocates for Better Health
Board Service Opportunities

Help us build a better future for all Minnesotans

Advocates for Better Health (ABH), formerly the Twin Cities Medical Society, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to initiatives that support public health and equity in Minnesota. When we formed in 2010, our inaugural president, Dr. Ed Ehlinger, envisioned a new kind of medical society—one that served as a bridge between the medical profession and public health. Since 2023, we have been intentionally building a new board composed of healthcare, public health, and community leaders. Serving on the ABH Board allows you to channel your passion for doing good beyond the clinic walls without sacrificing personal well-being.

Consider applying to serve on the ABH Board

The ABH Board of Directors is composed of elected volunteers responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of ABH’s mission and vision. Board members provide governance, leadership, and strategic direction; support the organization’s vitality and growth; represent ABH in public settings; and accept ultimate legal authority for the organization.

ABH seeks energetic, strategically minded leaders to help the organization thrive.

Director requirements and duties 

Board service is open to all healthcare and public health professionals, community leaders, and students passionate about public health and equity.

  • Serve a full three-year term. (Current board members are eligible and encouraged to seek re-election upon completing their terms.)

  • Commit approximately 2–4 hours per month.

  • Attend monthly online Board meetings: Second Monday of each month, 6:00–7:30 p.m. (subject to change based on the federal holiday schedule).

  • Attend New Member Orientation (online).

  • Make ABH one of your top three annual donation priorities.

  • Participate in optional opportunities, including social events, committee service, and ABH volunteer events.

Application process

The application process is open year-round. ABH will contact applicants to schedule a call or Zoom meeting to provide more information about board service and answer any questions.

We recommend drafting your responses in a Word document before copying and pasting them into the online Application Form

Application questions

  1. Why are you interested in serving on the ABH Board?

  2. What specific passion, talents, skills, expertise, and experience would you bring to the ABH Board?

  3. What does health equity mean to you? How are you an advocate for better health?

  4. Have you served on other boards? If so, where?

  5. Please share with us any current employment, memberships, volunteering, and/or affiliations with organizations, causes, employers, etc. related to public health and/or medicine.

  6. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

For more information about the ABH Board contact Becky Timm, Executive Director, at 612-362-3715 and

Advocates for Better Health's philanthropic arm - ABH | The Foundation - also has a Board of Directors and is seeking physician, resident, and medical student Board candidates. Learn more about ABH | The Foundation board opportunities.