ABH Works to Keep Lungs Loud with Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation
Left to Right: David Immen, MS4, Amber Kerrigan, Lucy Faerber, Kate Feuling, Caleb Schultz, MD
Early last week on March 14th, Advocates for Better Health staff participated in and assisted in planning the Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation coalition's annual Day at the Capitol. 200+ advocates from across Minnesota gathered and coalesced individual experiences into a collective message: asking lawmakers to stand up to the commercial tobacco industry and protect public health in Minnesota.
Staff and advocates met with their lawmakers and discussed three tobacco prevention bills (eliminating the sale of flavored tobacco SF2123/HF2177, expanding access to cessation and treatment services SF1320/HF1574, dedicating potential settlement funding from the JUUL lawsuit SF2520/HF2422), and left hopeful that this advocacy will have an impact in state policy. Reducing the harms of commercial tobacco in Minnesota continues to be a key policy priority of ABH, and we were grateful to yet again have the opportunity to participate in and help guide this expansive coalition of advocates.