Successful Interdisciplinary Commercial Tobacco Cessation Training
Vikki Ebenhoh, TTS
Director of Nursing for the South Central Human Relations Center
Last week Advocates for Better Health wrapped up our final event of the year with our annual commercial tobacco cessation training. We were thrilled to welcome and learn from Vikki Ebenhoh, the Director of Nursing for the South Central Human Relations Center and a Tobacco Treatment Specialist. The event touched on the physical, psychological, and social impacts of nicotine addiction, and introduced the pharmacological therapies available to support patients.
The audience consisted of over 30 medical and dental students and was a great opportunity for future providers to learn about the disproportionate community impact of commercial tobacco and tools they can use to support their patients.
Commercial tobacco is still the number one cause of preventable disease and death in Minnesota, and ABH remains resolute in our commitment to advocate for tobacco prevention policies and support community members looking to change their relationship with these products.
We hope you’ll join us in 2025 as we stand up to Big Tobacco in communities across the state and at the Capitol.